Monday, October 04, 2004

Why Five Percent for Kerry is a Conservative Guess

The NYTimes article about the aluminum tubes appeared on Slashdot this morning.

There is no new information in this article ("old news", as Condi Rice might put it), but it's the first time that the story of how the administration got the full head of steam it did for passing the war powers resolution against Iraq, even while the nation's top nuclear experts were saying "There's no there, there" (answer: Bush and Co. were getting an answer they wanted from a low-level CIA analyst, and not from the nuclear experts).

But, the reason this story has traction is that people are now hearing it again after -- for many -- Bush's credibility has been destroyed (by the discovery of no WMD in Iraq, among other things). People are seeing it for the first time, and he'll get no slack, as he did previously.

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