Saturday, October 23, 2004

This Election Day, Let's All Think

I still don't like David Brooks for his typical apologist stance toward the Bush administration -- but here, he manages to say something original and interesting.

He states that the fundamental divide between Republicans and Democrats today is not policy based, it is based on different conceptions of the leader. Republicans want someone to lead with their soul -- morally above the executive branch ("you can't imagine Reagan as a cabinet secretary") not narcissitically introspective, and resolute in a crisis with a broad vision. Democrats want a thoughtful leader with whip-smart knowledge of the working of Government (though I take exception that it's easy to see Clinton or Kerry as cabinet secretaries -- but, sure, Carter or Mondale).

This reflects two types of people in the US -- thinkers and feelers. As the saying goes, most of life's miseries are caused by feeling when you should think, and thinking when you should feel.

This election day, let's all think.

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