Saturday, October 16, 2004

An 18 point Gender Gap

In the WaPost daily tracking poll, results of the past 3 days show an 18 point gender gap. If America were entirely populated by men, Bush would win with 53% (vs. Kerry's 43%) of the vote. If the US were all women, Kerry would win with 52% (vs. Bush's 44%) of the vote.

That's an 18 percent swing in the vote, depending only on the gender of the voters. Never mind what it means about the candidates, here's what it means about the US: we are far from being a place of gender equality. In a place where genders are equal, their needs, aspirations -- politics -- should be identical. An 18% gap shows that's not the case in the US (and perhaps no where, but ne'er mind that).

The WaPost isn't tracking voting trends based on religious observance -- the single strongest determinent of how one voted in 2000. A big oversight.

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