Thursday, October 07, 2004

The Bush "Major Policy Address" that wasn't

A few days ago, I pointed out that Bush's announcement of a forthcoming "major policy address" showed that he - and Karl Rove - were running scared in the wake of his widely-mocked performance in the first debate.

As it turns out, that speech by Bush was the major policy address that wasn't - no new policies were presented, and no new answers were given to the pressing questions of the day (Why Iraq? Still don't know). However, by trumpeting the speech ahead of time to major news organizations, the Bush campaign did manage to get CNN and MSNBC to air the amped-up stump speech in its entirety. Slim hope of equal time for Kerry though - he's just going to have to suck it up, I guess.

Over at Slate, Fred Kaplan has some commentary on the debacle.

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