Friday, October 22, 2004


Robin writes (without blogging):

Guardian story. I assumed they had it prepared for months; they did. Our ad? "Eagle versus Ostrich." Though the AP piece makes it seem that it's not explicitly clear which is whom.

Comparisons are being made to Daisy (1964) and Bear (1980). I'm trying to find a link to Wolves itself. I really don't want to go to the Bush-Cheney website, but that might be the only way.

Josh Marshall has seen it; his idea that it's "not that scary" doesn't really leave me thinking that it will be ineffective, despite his punditry. 92% of Americans who list fighting terrorism as their top priority say they will vote for Bush (WP, 10/19). This is poweful, emotion-driven politics. straight to the amygdala, bypassing the neocortex. It's briliant, terrifying campaigning.


Derek said...

Kerry-Edwards should fast-track a mimic ad, also with wolves, which has Bush and Cheney as the wolves, preying on our environment, elderly, and the middle class.

Bush and Cheney are the wolves, people. Don't reelect them.

Steve said...

Here's a link to the Wolves ad that I put on my site. Yeah. Not that scary.