Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Bush is Wired - So What?

In this fast-developing 13D story, we have moved from posing the question to analyzing the evidence to securing confirmation from a major media outlet, all in under 12 hours.

We now know that it is common knowledge among the White House Press Pool that the President wears an earpiece during speeches and other public appearances. Why does this matter? Simple: We want to know what is being said to him over that earpiece. I think, as his employers, we have a right to know. Transcripts of all Presidential speeches are organized and archived at the White House web site. The text itself, as well as audio and video when available, are committed to the public domain for anyone to use, in any way they wish (including, e.g., Kerry campaign commercials).

I hereby argue that anything said to the President, over that earpiece, when the President is at a public event in front of a live microphone, must similarly be committed to the public domain. We have a right to know.

On top of this claim rides a secondary issue. The President has no right to secret off-stage prompting during Presidential debates - on the contrary, we the citizens of the country that he serves as Chief Executive have a right to see the President answer questions on the major issues of the day in his own voice, using his own words. If the President was wearing an earpiece during last Thursday's debate, I would consider that a severe abrogration of trust on his part - whether or not we ever get to see that transcript.

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