Monday, October 11, 2004

So Bush Uses Political Code Words? Who Should Care?

You should. Code words are used in politics when a politician wants to send a message to his unpopular minority voters that he's secretly with him -- if only they'll work for his election. It permits him to embrace an extreme position, while keeping plausible deniability.

When Bush uses code words like "Dred Scott", he signals to his religious-right backers that he intends to appoint judges to the bench who will overturn Roe v. Wade. But attack him on this, and he can respond "Wha? Roe v. Wade! I'm talking about Slavery! We will never allow Slavery back into the US! No matter what John Kerry Says! Strict constructionist interpretation!"

He embraces an unpopular political position, without having to defend it. And that's not right. If he declares his intention to use the litmus test of Roe v. Wade in his appointments -- and, by using the well known code words "Dred Scott", he has declared it -- he should have to defend that now.

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