Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Guys' Bathroom Etiquette

In the wake of a couple of embarassing bathroom situations involving steadfastly non-gay Republican politicians, Frank Cerabino at the Palm Beach Post has some advice to offer regarding guys' bathroom etiquette:
Lesson No. 2: When in doubt, assume that the guy in the next stall hasn't been struck by lightning.
Really worth reading the article in full (tip of the hat to Josh Marshall at TPM for pointing this out).

Sunday, August 26, 2007

New Music in 2006

Distribution has been delayed somewhat owing to Claire's arrival back in March. Choices and reasoning:

Corinne Bailey Rae

One of the year's breakout artists - as one writer put it, "Norah Jones learned how to rock!" Unfair as that characterization may be, I find it irresistibly apt... especially as I was never able to board Ms. Jones' jumbo-sized bandwagon, despite several attempts (kept falling asleep and getting thrown off).

Akon - Konvicted

Breakout artist #2 - several of his collaborations scaled the charts, and the album reveals that Akon's presence on these was no accident... indeed, his co-headliners are probably penning him the thank-you notes.

My Chemical Romance - The Black Parade

Independent darling for 2006, new White Stripes album notwithstanding. Also the best concept album in years.

Aventura - God's Project

Where did they come from and why aren't they playing on my radio yet? As one of the music commentators at Slate said, "Un beso was one track I just couldn't shake off my iPod this year."

Justin Timberlake - FutureSex / LoveSounds

One of two sophomore efforts this year; at least as enjoyable as his debut (see the picks for 2003), now with 20% more sophistication.

James Brown - Love Power Peace (Live at the Olympia, Paris, 1971)

The natural "in memoriam" selection for the year - the hardest working man in show business, and obvious inspiration for the preceding and succeeding artists, in top form.

Beyonce - B'Day

The other sophomore album for 2006 shows Beyonce assuming her crown as queen of hip-hop - and thus, effectively, queen of all pop. Lest we forget, she also wrapped Dreamgirls last year (and includes her main ballad here, to remind us).

Dixie Chicks - Taking the Long Way

The most famously political pop group of the Bush era refuses to stand down. As our Texan President descends below 30% approval it is worth remembering how much courage that took back in 2003.

Gnarls Barkley - St. Elsewhere

The only repeat artist from last year is the omnipresent Danger Mouse... I believe that "Crazy" has now been covered by more performers in less time than any single since "Yesterday".