Sunday, August 26, 2007

New Music in 2006

Distribution has been delayed somewhat owing to Claire's arrival back in March. Choices and reasoning:

Corinne Bailey Rae

One of the year's breakout artists - as one writer put it, "Norah Jones learned how to rock!" Unfair as that characterization may be, I find it irresistibly apt... especially as I was never able to board Ms. Jones' jumbo-sized bandwagon, despite several attempts (kept falling asleep and getting thrown off).

Akon - Konvicted

Breakout artist #2 - several of his collaborations scaled the charts, and the album reveals that Akon's presence on these was no accident... indeed, his co-headliners are probably penning him the thank-you notes.

My Chemical Romance - The Black Parade

Independent darling for 2006, new White Stripes album notwithstanding. Also the best concept album in years.

Aventura - God's Project

Where did they come from and why aren't they playing on my radio yet? As one of the music commentators at Slate said, "Un beso was one track I just couldn't shake off my iPod this year."

Justin Timberlake - FutureSex / LoveSounds

One of two sophomore efforts this year; at least as enjoyable as his debut (see the picks for 2003), now with 20% more sophistication.

James Brown - Love Power Peace (Live at the Olympia, Paris, 1971)

The natural "in memoriam" selection for the year - the hardest working man in show business, and obvious inspiration for the preceding and succeeding artists, in top form.

Beyonce - B'Day

The other sophomore album for 2006 shows Beyonce assuming her crown as queen of hip-hop - and thus, effectively, queen of all pop. Lest we forget, she also wrapped Dreamgirls last year (and includes her main ballad here, to remind us).

Dixie Chicks - Taking the Long Way

The most famously political pop group of the Bush era refuses to stand down. As our Texan President descends below 30% approval it is worth remembering how much courage that took back in 2003.

Gnarls Barkley - St. Elsewhere

The only repeat artist from last year is the omnipresent Danger Mouse... I believe that "Crazy" has now been covered by more performers in less time than any single since "Yesterday".

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