Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Bush running scared

So scared, he's scheduled an impromptu televised address for tomorrow night. For a nation at war, the bait is irresistable: Tune in to hear the real reasons why we invaded Iraq!

Why is this significant? Simple. Karl Rove's modus operandi is one of sublime confidence - even in the nail-biter of 2000 - off-handedly mentioning to reporters on the trail how they are taking the battle to Democratic strongholds like New Jersey and no longer worrying about the likes of Florida (500 votes? Pah!). In this fashion he aims to create an aura of inevitability around his candidate - the theory being that swing voters like to vote for a winner.

It's a good theory, and Bush's speech tomorrow is its complete opposite - making it clear that he is, in fact, quite evitable.

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