Friday, October 29, 2004

President John Edwards

This NYTimes OpEddescribes a not-that-far-fetched electoral scenario --- with only a single flyer.

If the electoral college deadlocks 269-269, the Senate elects the Vice President while the President is elected in the House. It is not far-fetched that the Dems take the Senate (Edwards is elected VP there), while the Republicans retain the house. In the House, however, the voting is one vote per state, and Minnesota and Wisconsin are evenly divided Dem/Republican (deadlocked votes, meaning no votes). If there is just *one* more deadlocked state, then the House election would be tied.

And the Constitution stipulates that, in the event that a President is unable to take the oath of office come late January, the Vice President acts as President until such time that a President is qualified.

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