Saturday, October 09, 2004

David Brooks Confuses Hussein with Haliburton

In today's column Brooks seems to have read through the Duelfer report, and -- where everyone else saw massive intelligence failure, which fueled a needless war -- he saw The Report That Nails Saddam. Usually, when someone sees something that no one else can see, he has vision. Or he has visions. Brooks is of the latter, seeing what he wants to see, missing the forest through the trees, wandering aimlessly in the woods in the atrium at the NYTimes.

"Saddam personally made up a list of officials at the U.N., in France, in Russia and elsewhere who would be bribed. He sent out his oil ministers to curry favor with China, France, Turkey and Russia. He established illicit trading relations with Ukraine, Syria, North Korea and other nations to rebuild his arsenal." I'm sorry --- is this Saddam Hussein? Or Haliburton? Because I'm pretty sure Haliburton had that bribe list -- except theirs also included Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, and a few other places. And they also send out folks to curry favor with oil producing nations. And had illicit trading relations, but with Iraq, and Iran.

Are we at war with Haliburton now? Somebody should tell their employees it's a bad time to plan a wedding.

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