Friday, October 22, 2004

The Messianic Bush

If Maureen Dowd's observation that our President thinks of himself as the embodiment of God's will has you worried (and it should), then you should also see this short column by Michelle Goldberg at Salon. In it she compares Ron Suskind's observations of our faith-based President (his NYT Magazine piece) to Hannah Arendt's observations of Hitler and Stalin. Terrifyingly enough, the shoe fits.

No, I'm not kidding.


Derek said...

How's that for a worst-case scenario Bob? Second term of Bush presidency leads to fascist dictatorship.

Unknown said...

Well, Bush probably has more in common in disposition with Hitler or Stalin than Maureen Dowd does with Hannah Arendt.

Of course, we may find out next week that Maureen is sleeping with William Kristol. In which case, it all fits together.