Sunday, October 03, 2004

Gallup: Presidential race is dead tie

Bush Kerry are split at 49% each.

That's a very sudden evaporation of Bush's 8 point lead. So much for a lack of undecided voters out there.

The WaPost has an article on how the VP debate Tuesday has assumed new importance, in light of the sudden momentum to Kerry. It will be a sit-down debate: the Dems had demanded a town-hall style debate, but this was conceded to the Republican's preference for a sit-down, in return for insuring there would be 3 presidential debates. That the format was such a big bargaining chip attests to the fear of Edwards lawyerly charisma. Nonetheless, Dems have lots to fear from Cheney, who has a very respectable cool style of presenting zingers in a debate format.

My favorite example: during the debate on whether or not we should go to war in Iraq, an interviewer asked Cheney: "Many in the congress don't see the logic in going to war. Do you know something they don't?" Cheney's answer: "Probably."

The answer leaves me breathless. In a single word, he leaves intact the doubt and deference congress and the American people offered to permit the administration to go to war, while completely walking away from any responsibility to explain his reasoning. The arrogance is astounding. In one word: Why should I have to explain to you why we will commit $200B in treasure and thousands of American lives in order to go to war? I'm the Vice President, I know better than you, and I'm not going to waste my time trying to get you to know what I know, so that we can agree and go into this together.

If I could do that, my blog entries wouldn't be so long.

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