Tuesday, January 27, 2004

Ladies and Gentlemen, We can do it Again!

Bush is vulnerable from the right.

In the midst of undeniable revelations that there were no WMD in Iraq, and that the idea that there were was a smoke screen thrown up to fool Saddam -- and fooled the CIA as well -- come revelations of a record deficit in ’04 of $477B by the Congressional Budget Office.

If you've been paying attention to your CNN headline news, the "traditional" conservatives are in a fix about the fact that government has gotten bigger under Bush. And with bush wracking up an astounding $1Trillion in debt since taking office (roughly -- actually, it's $850B, but why be fair?) Democrats can once again say, "It's the deficit stupid!"

This will divorce Bush from his traditional base of financial support -- although he's been doing okay there so far -- of fiscal conservatives, which is all of big business. IF a democrat steps in claiming Clinton-like economics plans, they can seize the business and financial conservatives.

Moreover, by screaming about the economy and deficit during the election, that will take the wind out of the sails of the far right of Bush's supporters, who may just stay home on election day.

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