Tuesday, January 27, 2004


Cheney's baggage:

  • A leading hawk, forcing WMD-slanted intelligence summaries by the CIA. Not so good post-Kay. Hawk is so June 2002.
  • Haliburton's $60M overcharge on a no-bid contract.
  • Think he's going to be indicted in the Plame scandal? I give it 50/50. Maybe 30/70.
  • Heart trouble. Let's not forget the guy appears to still like those bacon rinds. He has a heart attack, and we're talking Vice President..... Haastert?

He's a drag on the ticket, not pulling in any Dems for sure, and his hawk/business constituency is now George's constituency. Bush's smart move 1: Drop Cheney. Smart move 2: Powell for VP. BIG democratic cross over. And they'll hold the right.

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