Wednesday, January 28, 2004

13D Beats Dowd

13D, ahead of the game once again, has beaten Maureen Dowd to the punch on the "Dump Dick" front: Dowd's Thursday NYT Op-Ed.

I've decided I don't believe W will dump Dick. To qualify that: W will not dump Dick for palpably political reasons, no matter how many times Dick shoots his mouth off about Saddam's empty semi-trailers cum high-tech mobile bioweapons labs. To dump Dick in this manner would be to concede weakness, and if W (=Rove - thanks Jamie!) is about anything, it's about never conceding weakness, doubt, or second thoughts. So: Not gonna happen.

However, the calculus changes completely if Dick encounters some serious health problems. In that case, the entire dumping can be framed as "at Dick's (and his family's) request" and for the good of all. The only downside of this approach is that it is not easy, with modern medical technology (and Dick's heart as it is), to orchestrate a "serious health problem" that does not in fact threaten the life of the patient. Thus the inevitable conclusion: If Dick's numbers continue to fall, he could well become the first known instance of a Veep who was killed because of lousy ratings.

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