Tuesday, January 20, 2004


I'm beginning to not like Brooks in the way righty's don't like Krugman.

In today's column he talks about the archtypical Democratic voter, who he regards as a 55-year old female school teacher. She, apparently, "is upset by the billions of dollars the drug companies spend on commercials, which drive up the cost of her prescriptions," as if drug company profiteering were due to bad managerial decisions which have to be legislated. He says that, to her, "Bill Clinton offered to rekindle her hopes but squandered it all so needlessly." as if Clinton led the fight to impeach himself, rather than it being led by politically motivated Republicans who used one woman whom he made a pass at (who was happy to help them out), and another woman who he more than made a pass at (who was not willing to help them out, so they turned her unwillingness into a prosecution for obstruction of justice.)

Sure, he can say, "Oh, it's not me who says this, it's the 55 year old Democrat". As if.

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