Tuesday, January 06, 2004

David Brooks Dances with the Devil

Brooks comes perilously close to fwapping critics of the neocons in the Bush administration with the charge of anti-semitism
in Today's column.

Brooks writes that the label "neocons" ( applied to Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, Doug Feith ,Bill Kristol and others), is broken down as "neo" stands for "new" and "con" stands for Jewish.

The adminsitration has principled critics, who object to the neocon foreign policy -- and domestic policy -- who are far from being motivated by anti-semitism. This is an inflammatory argument, and it rightly damages the arguments of the right, who lately have taken to throwing firebombs at the left, and then writing the left off by saying "look! they're so emotional [read: illogical] they can'[t keep from exploding".

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