Wednesday, January 21, 2004

The Achilles Heel is in the Silences

Apparently, officials in the Bush re-election campaign and the RNC were frank that Bush would hit on topics where he was broadly popular or with which he believes he could win support says the WAPost.

This might explain his broadside against athletes taking steroids -- which was accompanied by no action for the government to take, was prompted by no obvious recent scandal, and which has never come up in casual conversation with the President before. In other words -- George, what the high holy heck are you talking about? Where did this indignation about steroids come from, and why are you mooning about it in front of 1.4 Billion people? Because you think you set a moral example of not using drugs?

More importantly, Bush (as WaPost pointed out) dropped his mission to Mars from the speech -- it bombed in the polls and, predictably, neither Republicans nor Democrats in Congress liked it -- as he also didn't bring up the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, since it makes him look like an ineffective leader.

For Democratic strategists, the meaning is doubly clear: the President can't meaningfully talk about his failures, and if you hit him with it, he can't respond. If this is done during real-time debates, expect him to go apopleptic, which would be interesting to watch.

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