Friday, January 30, 2004

13D Lead Picked Up by Joe Conason

As you may recall, a recent 13D entry pointed out a very telling instance of Republican amnesia on the pre-war UN weapons inspections led by Hans Blix.

Today, that very same episode forms the basis of Joe Conason's Journal entry at Salon. Joe uses it to impugn the brains or motives - take your pick - of Sen. Pat Roberts (R-KS), Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee.

This is not accidental - in the wake of Joe's Tuesday entry lamenting our President's second public reference to Saddam "not letting in" the inspectors, I emailed Joe directly with the Sen. Roberts quote and the link to the official CNN transcript of the show. That same link is referenced as the key source in his journal entry.

So I think we can safely chalk this one up to 13D.

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