Thursday, January 22, 2004

I'm with Derek

What the heck is Friedman talking about when he expresses hope that a credible Democratic opposition was just re-born in Iowa, because they largely ignored Dean (whose popularity had been based on an anti-war message) and voted for Kerry (whose popularity is based on that lantern jaw of his).

Kerry -- nor the second place guy Edwards -- had zero to say about the war. They avoided the topic as much as they could. This is in strong contrast to Friedman's hope that a Democratic candidate emerges to micro-manage political transition in Iraq by : (1) making overatures to Iran, Syria, Egypt and Saudi Arabia, and (2) Bush should scrap their approach to new gov't in Iraq, expand the Governing council from 25 to 75, and make THAT the new gov't.

Who the high-holy-heck has been talking about *THAT* in the democratic field. Nobody! Friedman produced a bizarre exercise in wishful thinking -- oh, and I know from wishful thinking.

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