Monday, November 01, 2004

You and What Army?: 2

Back in June, the Supreme court ruled the Administration must permit Gitmo prisoners to have their cases reviewed by federal courts in the US. (Recall the 13D post here) These are the "unlawful enemy combatants" that the Bush Administration says has no right to judicial review, and can be held indefinitely without charge.

Then, Bush (through spokesman Scott McClellan) said they were glad teh Supreme Court "recognized the authority of the president as commander in chief" and "We also recognize that the court had some concerns, and we respect those concerns." Really, the administration effectively responded to the Supreme Court's ruling by glaring them in the eye and saying, "Says you and what army?"

Today, lawyers for the detainees are saying that the Bush Administration is refusing to comply with the Supreme Court's order. Whenever the lawers bring briefs to courts to exercise these rights, the Justice department re-argues the same arguments they lost on in the Supreme Court case. In other words, they're ignoring the Supreme Court.

When the Executive branch under the Bush administration refuses to acknowledge the ruling of the Judicial Branch, it's anti-constitutional.

I hate to be a bother -- but it's worth noting that a President who ignores the Constitution, rather than supporting and defending it as they swear to do, should be impeached.

1 comment:

Steve said...

Quit being a bother. This so-called "Constitution" has gotten in the way more times than the 'Prime Directive' has on Star Trek.