Friday, November 12, 2004

Frist Moves to End the Filibuster on Judicial Nominiees

Apparently, Bill Frist is falling in line with the demands of evangelical christians, who oppose Sen. Arlen Spector's bid to head the Senate Judicial Committee -- a position which seniority owes him. Well, say the ECs, if we can't stop him from getting this privilege, we demand the Senate do away with the filibuster on judicial nominees, so that the 45 Democrats can't stop the expected juggernaut of Supreme Court Justices.

Bill Frist backs this: "One way or another, the filibuster of judicial nominees must end," Frist (R-Tenn.) said in a speech to the Federalist Society, a conservative legal group.

Problem is, once you kill the filibuster in one place, it's a skip and a jump from being killed everywhere. One method Frist is considering is to declare the filibuster unconstitutional -- which would likely have the effect of completely doing away with the filibuster. This leads quickly to the tyranny of the majority, where the actions of the Senate are determined by the 50 percent plus 1 senator.

Big changes afoot.

1 comment:

Derek said...

Umm... make that "50 percent plus one Vice President", Bob.