Monday, November 15, 2004

Powell: The Good Soldier, The Perpetually Beaten Dead Horse

When Tom Friedman suggested yesterday that George Bush turn to Powell and say (paraphrased): Colin, I want you to sit down with Israelis and Palestinians and forge a framework for a secure Israeli withdrawal from Gaza and progress toward a secure peace in the West Bank. Only this time I will stand with you. I will not let Rummy or Cheney fire any more arrows into your back. I don't want to see you back here until you've put our words into deeds.

This sounded hilarious. Bush has sent Powell there before, and while abroad, Rummy and Cheney launched broadsides, and when he came back with progress, it was treated Dead On Arrival. Powell's got 2 months before he retires from being the administration's perpetually beaten dead horse. He has worked to shore up credibility which has been spent by this administration, time and again (that is, they make a liar out of him). Powell wants to run for President in 2008, and as he leaves the administration why should he set up any efforts to be knocked down by Bush, yet again?

Because he's a good soldier, is why. He leaves next week. But, as the Palestinians prepare for a January vote on new leadership -- coinciding with Powell's likely departure -- watch for limited to no advancement in the peace process before than. Powell's visit is a simple sign of friendly normalcy, preparing continuity with new leadership, both in the US and in Palestine. There can't be any breakthroughs before then, because the Palestinian leadership does not carry either historical or electoral legitimacy.

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