Thursday, November 04, 2004

Karl Rove, Evil Genius

In 2000 Bush lost the popular vote to Gore by 500,000 nation-wide. As we have read in numerous stories since, his Brain (=Rove) then became obsessed with the lackadaisical turnout among Christian evangelical voters. His working hypothesis: They were turned off by the last-minute revelation of Bush's youthful DUI arrest in Connecticut.

Maybe so, maybe not - after all, Bush's born-again experience came well after that arrest. The point, though, is that for whatever reason 4 million evangelicals failed to turn up at the polls in November 2000, depriving the Brain's body (=Bush) of his mandate. Henceforth the Brain would stop at nothing to get out that evangelical vote. Thus: Partial-birth abortion fights, the quashing of Federal funding for stem-cell research, the constitutional amendment against gay marriage, anti-gay initiatives on the ballots of swing states, Dred Scott and "culture of life" references left and right in the Presidential debates, and so forth.

Result: Bush over Kerry in 2004 by 3.5 million nation-wide. A delta-increment of 4 million on the 2000 result.

Pretty impressive, no?

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