Sunday, November 21, 2004

Rumsfeld: Loose Canon, or Bush's Canon?

Apparently, the Pentagon drove the Congress to rejecting Intelligence reform -- protecting their $36B budget, defeating the primary recommendation of the 9/11 commission. The way the Pentagon did this was they had the House Committee on Armed Services chair Representative Duncan Hunter declare to the Republican caucus that he would not allow the bill to pass through his committee. Thus, even though the Democrats and Republicans are willing to pass the bill -- a minority of Republicans opposed it, but the bill has a majority in the House -- Speaker Hastert declared the bill dead.

The question is, then -- did Bush permit Rumsfeld to do this, in which case Bush is responsible for defeating the 9/11 commission's recommendation, or did he oppose Rumsfeld, in which case Bush lost a political battle to his Secretary of Defense? Is Rumsfeld working against Bush, or at the behest of Bush? Is he a loose canon, or Bush's canon?

1 comment:

Derek said...

I think you have to credit Bush for this one. Not that he will take responsibility for anything, of course, but - where does that buck stop, again?