Monday, November 22, 2004

JFK Reloaded

A few weeks ago, I mentioned a gaming company idea to Bob. This company would create video games based on historical atrocities. You could have games such as "Trail of Tears: the First Person Shooter", torture game engines that would run games like "The Inquisition", and "1492 Spain: the Cleansing". This company would benefit from these titles in several ways:

1. The company wouldn't need to generate any creative ideas. It would just draw on historical accuracy.
2. The company would not need an advertising budget. The negative press generated by these gruesome titles would send kids drooling to their nearest video game store to pick up a copy.

Well, it turns out yesterday that a company has already beat me to the punch. JFK Reloaded is a game that puts you in the mindset of Lee Harvey Oswald, attempting to assasinate JFK. You score points by hitting the President as historically accurate as possible. You lose point by hitting others such as Jackie, or anyone else riding in the motorcade. You can view your attempts close up, or from various angles, including the angle at which the Zapruder film was shot.

These games will ultimately be educational for our youngsters. How many of these players would know what the Zapruder film was, or how many shots the President took in this assasination. Will they be able to try their luck from the Grassy Knoll?

I'm just waiting for "Crusades: the Massive Multiplayer Online Game", where you have to choose sides before signing up, then attempt to attack or defend the holy land. These are million dollar ideas folks.

Horrible, horrible million dollar ideas.

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