Wednesday, November 17, 2004

National Book Awards: Robin Left Off the Short-List Again

Today, the winner of the National Book Award will be announced, and I'm sad to say that our own Robin Dennis yet again did not make the five-long shortlist. Seeing that all five of the nominees for this year's award are women living in New York City, I fail to see, short of conspiracy inside the secret star-chamber of the nomination process, what has kept Robin off this list. That she didn't write a book this last year hardly seems material. Did any of the other nominees? They did? Oh. Well, but they are all women living in New York City, and there, Robin is also another woman living in New York City. She's got them in spades!

It just doesn't make any sense. Better luck next year, Robin. Although, I hear that next year they'll be possibly focusing on the outer boroughs.

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