Monday, November 15, 2004

Condi Gets Secretary of State: Bush Reveals Lack of Confidence, Demand for Loyalty

Rice is the next Secretary of State according to Senior Administration officials quoted in the NYTimes, the Associated Press and Reuters.

Funny thing, but Rummy says the subject of his resignation hasn't come up with Bush yet. Guess they have other things to talk about.

Okay, with the AG and State done -- that's two major appointments. Enough to connect the dots. Bush is appointing very, very close insiders -- specifically, people who are heavily politically indebted to him to the highest positions. He has not appointed anyone who is a political equal or even a modest heavyweight who might counter him -- they are people who are first and foremost loyal to him. He is looking to be the number one muther-fucker in charge this time around, and he doesn't want any lip from anyone. That betrays a lack of self-confidence on his part. It also means Cheney will have more than his say again, unless his cold keeps him down.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Stephen Hadley for NSC chair, methinks. He's the one who took the bullet for letting "those 13 words" on the Nigerian yellowcake get into the SOTU, remember. In short: A company man.