Saturday, November 13, 2004

CIA Senior Managers Disgruntled, Leaving

The WaPost reports that the CIA is seeing resignations of its high-level officials. Also, today David Brooks reflects back on how, during the election, the CIA was leaking leaking leaking with information which undermined Bush's position -- most famously, the Agency approved a book "Imperial Hubris" by Anonymous (Michael Scheuer) which lambasted the President's foreign policy. And how, now that the election is over, it's time for Bush's payback. Brooks calls the White House-CIA relationship "dysfunctional", which seems an understatement -- it is, more accurately, adversarial.

What exactly is going on? Who knows? Probably a combination of career CIA officials having had their intelligence manipulated for political ends (the Iraq war), followed by getting hooked with the blame for "intelligence failures", which were really political failures of the intelligence apparatus. Resulting in, bingo, the complete reorganization of the nation's intelligence services, which effectively means doing away with the CIA.

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