Tuesday, August 10, 2004

The White House Is Lying About Security Threats to the Capitol?

WaPost: Frances Fragos Townsend -- White House Homeland Security Advisor who no one had heard of until she appeared on Meet The Press this weekend --- had said that the recent intelligence on threats by al Qaeda include mention of the Capitol and members of Congress.

But, Capitol Poliece Chief Terrance Grainer -- and other law enforcement officials -- say they've never seen it. They've just been told to batten down Capitol Hill, simultaneous with the battening of NY financial insitution targets, and the IMF and World bank in DC.

Hey, who's to notice if you just toss in the Capitol building -- where a fully independent branch of government operates -- onto the list of buildings to batten down?

The Administration should not have free hand to limit operations of other branches of the government.

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