Thursday, August 26, 2004

Bush says I Want to Help McCain abolish 527s

Bush is getting shellacked by, ACT, and other 527s. And, he's getting shellacked by Kerry for what the Swift Boat Veterans are saying. So, today, he says he wants to help McCain abolish them, first by suing them, then by making laws against them.

McCain's response?

He's not against 527s. Thinks they're just fine. Wants the President to condemn the Swift Boat Vets in particular, and not 527s in general.

All in Today's NYTiimes :

"I'm very appreciative of the president's effort to do that," McCain said in an interview with The Associated Press. "I want to emphasize if I could that we're not saying that 527s should be abolished. We're just saying they should live under the same campaign finance restrictions (as hard money groups) because they are engaged in partisan activity."

McCain added: "I've said before I would like for the president to specifically condemn that ad, but the president has said John Kerry served honorably and also the president is now committed to acting to try to bring 527s into regulations that are appropriate."

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