Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Required Reading for the Impending Plame Scandal Explosion

washingtonpost.com – White House Briefing.

Subpoenas have apparently been issued to all four journalists who are known to have stated they heard independently about Plame's CIA connection from an unnamed government official -- including Bob Novak (who broke the story in the Chicago Sun-Times), Tim Russert (of Meet the Press, who has now already complied, and appeared before the grand jury), Walter Pincus (Washington Post), and Matt Cooper (Time Magazine, who is appealing his sentencing and fine of $1000/day, for refusing to comply).

Russert answered questions about his conversation with Scooter Libby -- Dick Cheney's chief of staff.

Of interest is that Matt Cooper's sentencing for refusing testimony, when, according to the sentencing judge: "all available alternative means of obtaining the information have been exhausted, the testimony sought is necessary for the completion of the investigation, and the testimony sought is expected to constitute direct evidence of innocence or guilt."

In other words, indictments of high government officials in the Executive Branch will be handed down -- or not -- on the basis of what is said by Novak, Russert, Pincus and Cooper.

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