Friday, August 13, 2004

Ashcroft: Detention of One is the Symbolic Detention of Masses

Bob Herbert reports on a Hatian immigrant who has been detained two years on personal orders by John Ashcroft. Everyone agrees the skinny little guy is no terrorism threat. But, Ashcroft explained his actions to Senator Arlen Spector:

"Sometimes individual treatment is important. Sometimes it's important to make a statement about groups of people that come."

Are you getting this, people? Because that's going to be what we hear when Ashcroft orders mass detentions of thousands of people on the charge that maybe one of them is a threat -- sometimes it's important to make statements about groups of people.

Oh, wait. I forgot.
That already happened.

Folks, this should make your souls shudder. We have had our rights of habeous corpus stripped from us by the Bush team. And if you're a reader of history, when governments do this to their people, things don't get better, they get much, much worse.

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