Sunday, August 22, 2004

We Don't Live Here Anymore

This movie will certainly be forwarded as the relationship drama of the season. Two couples -- played by Mark Ruffalo, Laura Dern, Peter Krause and Naomi Watts -- get bundled in a love quadrangle, and there's anger and recrimination.

While drama is dramatic, there's no reason for this film to be remembered in 5 years. The conflicts are the usual ones played in couple's films -- drama around how the adultery will be discovered, what the impact will be on the relationship and the children, on the friendship between the couples, will the couples survive. The characters are familiar -- the angry spouse in an unhappy marriage, the miserable spouse in the unhappy marriage, the one who postures maturity to be above it all, and the one trying to posture maturity but can't morally accept their own adultery. Ummmmmm.... okay.

Want to see a fascinating character study in destructive relationships and adultery? Rent WHO'S AFRAID OF VIRGINIA WOOLF? Wear armor, and be prepared to spend the next week in a deep depression.

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