Monday, August 02, 2004

No Central Park Protest! Says Professor of Turfgrass Science at Cornell

New York City has been saying this all along as their justification for denying permits to organized protesters of the RNC in NYC in a month for Central Park: it will ruin -- just ruin! -- the lawn.
And they weren't being disingenuous In a NYTimes Letter to the Editor, one of the lawn designers explains that the lawn could handle about 50,000 people, but was never designed to handle a 250,000 person event, and the lawn would indeed be ruined, with costly repairs.

Of course, what the city-folk seem to not realize, is the protesters regard the state of the union to hang in the balance, and given the choice between 4 more years of Beat'em-Harder Bush/Concentration-Camp-Cheney, and some turf replacement -- get out the trowels!

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