Monday, July 12, 2004

Will the Bush Administration Provoke a Constitutional Crisis?

Seeing that the Bush Administration is looking into what it would need to legally justify and carry out delaying the November elections, the question is raised: why do we let the Bush administration bend laws so far that they effectively rip up the constitution? The claim that "people were instructed not to break the law", as Bush stated when confronted with evidence his administration permit torture in Gitmo and Abu Grhaib, rings hollow when his administration is clearly breaking the law -- such as denying Americans rights to habeas corpus. To Bush, the law is whatever they can get away with without being reigned in.

And it's not even clear what they consider "being reigned in" is. Sure, when an enraged electorate got whiff of torture in Gitmo, they backtracked -- but we are now 2 weeks after the Supreme Court ruled that Gitmo prisoners have rights of habeas corpus, and the Administration has still not stated they will comply with the ruling.

The Bush Administration is not playing by the rules -- the rules being our Constitution. They have already violated fundamental rights. If they intend to move on to a massive violation of citizens' rights -- suspending our constitutional Democracy, a nice exercise which put Hitler in power earlier last century -- they have another thing coming.

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