Monday, July 05, 2004

The Chinese Government is Asks For it.

A man regarded as a national hero in China -- Jiang Yanyong -- has been detained since June 1 (one month) in a brainwashing camp at the orders of the China's supreme military body with the consent of the party's most senior leaders. He's a hero becaue he forced -- through moral will -- the Chinese government to go public about the SARS epidemic. He's imprisoned and being brainwashed because he wrote a letter to the party's leadership urging them to admit the 1989 Tiananmen massacre was wrong.

[WaPost Article]. From the article: "One senior military official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said there was broad support for Jiang even within the party and that it will be increasingly difficult for the leadership to hold him as news of his detention spreads. 'I consider him a man of honesty and courage,' he said. 'Ninety-nine percent of the people support him.'"

It sounds like they've imprisoned Tom Hanks for saying what everyone knows to be true. Do they expect their billion population to let it ride?

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