Friday, July 23, 2004

Pentagon Releases HUGE story at 5:30pm on a Friday before the Democratic National Convention

Remember how earlier the Pentagon said that they couldn't honor a Freedom of Information Act request by the A. P. for Bush's military payroll records in 1972, because they had been accidentally destroyed?

Turns out -- you're going to laugh at this -- that was wrong. They had the payroll records all along! Ooops. So the records have been released. Ummmmm.... but, Bush doesn't seem to have any payroll slips for the summer in question when supposedly he showed up for duty in the Alabama National Guard (that is, while he wasn't helping a friend of his father's campaign in Alabama).

Considering that the Pentagon is a bit of a stickler for paperwork, the absence of any payroll records for Bush can only mean he never showed up.

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