Friday, July 30, 2004

When Bush attacks...

One reason why it's good to be the King: You can deliver a manifest untruth in your campaign speech:
During eight years on the Senate intelligence committee, [my opponent] voted to cut the intelligence budget, yet he had no record of reforming America's intelligence capability.
And get it picked up in the fourth (or fifth) paragraph of a wire service article that in turns runs in a place of prominence (lead story when I saw it) at the NYT, the nation's paper of record, without any caveats or qualifications.

When, in turn, the average citizen of your country reads in the paper (NYT or otherwise) that you have said this, without any contradiction in the article or elsewhere in the paper, they will assume that you are telling the truth, and marvel at the venality of your opponent - even when said opponent has done nothing like what you accuse him of doing.

In other words, you can lie without consequence.

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