Thursday, June 03, 2004

Tenet Gone, and Rummy has no idea what Tenet was talking about.

Bush announced CIA directory George Tenet has resigned, "for personal reasons". Meanwhile, Rumsfeld is out there making sure everyone knows that he has no idea what Tenet was talking about when the CIA fingered Chalabi as revealing to Iran that we had broken their Inteligence Service's communications code.

Smells to me like Rummy called Bush and said "You've got to can Tenet, he's cramping on my boy Chalabi, and now he's running a polygraph witch-hunt on my department. Oh, and by the way, i was the one who told him we've got Iran's codes. So unless you want to see open Defense Dept vs. CIA warfare during your election season, you should finish Tenet off but good."

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