Thursday, June 17, 2004

A Hallmark card for Iraq

Not to stomp all over Derek's contest, but I've got a new one here.

So now that we know, and that Congress knows (without a doubt) that:

1) Iraq had no WMD prior to invasion and:
2) Iraq had NO ties to 9/11. None.

Shouldn't we be getting the Iraqis a big Hallmark card that says "Sorry we invaded your country..."?

The contest is this: What would the poem inside read? The only rule here is that the poem must have rhyming stanzas or couplets.

Here are my first shots:

"Sorry we invaded your country
for killing your family and friends
just keep the oil flowing
or we'll be back again."

"Sorry we invaded your country
we know it's a real big drag
to have all your neighborhoods bombed out
and your children and friends shot and fragged"

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