Tuesday, June 08, 2004

A Stunning Op Ed

The editorial board of the WaPost makes a stunning statement about the Bush administration, saying: "There is no justification, legal or moral, for the judgments made by Mr. Bush's political appointees at the Justice and Defense departments. Theirs is the logic of criminal regimes, of dictatorships around the world that sanction torture on grounds of 'national security.'"

I don't remember the last time a serious newspaper accused a President of using the logic of criminal regimes and dictatorships.

Folks, this is no small thing. This begins to have the air of an impeachment hearing. Granted, the WaPost is not the WSJ -- but the WSJ is also following this story very closely, with two separate pieces on the website today. If the President is breaking international law, and our own laws, by permitting de-facto torture in Guantanamo Bay, how could he not be impeached?

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