Friday, February 20, 2004

So far from being right was I

Whereas, over 3000 couples have been married in San Francisco; the judge consolidating the 2 lawsuits against them into one, and denying the injunction for not demonstrating "irreparable harm" if the weddings continue; with probably 3000 more weddings before March 29, there will be a total of 6000 wedded couples, many of whom will go home to states where they will demand recognition;

with protests errupting across the country for legal gay marriage;
with marriage licenses being issued in New Mexico, and New Mexico law recognizing marriage as between "two parties", not mentioning gender, and so the likelihood of that continuing;

and, whereas Massachusetts heads forward to gay marriages statewide come May, with couples marrying there also heading home to their many states to demand recognition;

and, whereas, I still believe the US Economy is in the crapper, and the fact that the war was run on a sham is now obvious to all Americans; with Colin Powell and Condi Rice -- the two members of the administration which might have made some democrats vote for Bush -- likely to quit after the election; with Bush's profligate spending irking his economically conservative base; and having delivered nothing to his religious base through fait-based initiatives; and with so many children being left behind because he unfunded his "no child left behind" education act;

and, whereas, it therefore seems likely that the only issue Bush will have energizing his conservative christian base is fighting the gay marriage issue, which will crest close to June/July, forcing itself across the country at the time of the Republican national convention in New York -- a city well known for it's gay activist protests (pace, ghosts of 1968 Daley Chicago Police)

I suggest that the entire floor of the RNC will be carpeted with "stop the gays!" Christian Conservatives, who will not play well on National Television, and who will respond when egged on from the podium, making the convention seep with intolerance.

Be it resolved that it seems Derek was right, and I was wrong: the gay marriage issue, pushed as it is being pushed now, can well push the Republican party into a corner by re-playing the 1992 Buchannan speech fiasco ("I'm sure it sounded better in the original German." -- Molly Ivins) in enormous spades.

Sure, 2/3 of Americans are now against Gay marriage in principle. But, I have a feeling once there are a couple gay marriages around, and the sky isn't falling in, it will be "live and let live" for the majority of Americans, who won't want to be associated with a vitriol spitting party come November.

This is gonna get good.

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