Monday, February 02, 2004

Friedman Transfers His Anger Rather than Deal With Being Duped

Friedman offers the postscript on his being taken in by the WMD "intelligence" and accepting half-truths about it, giving the President a pass: Op-ed Columnist: Budgets of Mass Destruction: "Too many Americans, including me, believe in their guts that removing Saddam was the right thing to do, even if the W.M.D. intel was wrong."

So, he does the mature thing -- same column, he decides that he's REALLY ANGRY about how terrible a shape the economy is in, and suggests this will be the issue of the campaign.

Yeah, may be. Or, maybe both will be the issue of the campaign, and Friedman's not intellectually rigorous enough to admit -- even in the full glow that the worst nightmares of the nattering naybobbers were right -- that he was wrong to trust the President on WMD; and he would rather take it out on the President for another issue, rather than the one he was wrong on too.

Classic erosion of trust.

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