Tuesday, February 10, 2004

Definitively Apologist

Elvis has left the building, and David Brooks is a George Bush Apologist (tm). The latter is definitively true, now that he's started a column with the words: Op-Ed Columnist: Bush on Bush, Take 2: "Like most of us, President Bush doesn't have the facility for perfectly expressing his situation in conversation. But if he did, he might have said something like this to Tim Russert in the interview broadcast Sunday...."

Actually, if by "us", Brooks means politicians, columnists and commentaters, then Bush's poor performance expressing himself on Russert shows that he very much not like most of us -- turning in the most bewilderingly inexpressive discusssion on the Sunday morning shows of the political season.

Brooks -- I would say that Bush's lack of candor is because he doesn't know what he's talking about. I had the pleasure of watching the show with a psycho-biology student who was studying for an exam. Every few minutes, she would say something like: "Look, see how he's looking at 3 o'clock? That means he's accessing aural information. He's just repeating what somebody else told him." and "Now 6 o'clock? He's accessing emotional information. His emphaticness is not derived from some special set of facts he has access too, but to his emotional state."

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