Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Report: Bush short on Guard duty

The Boston Globe is reporting that George W. Bush did not satisfactorilly complete his obligations to the Texas Air National Guard, concludes a study by retired Army Colonel Gerald A. Lechliter.

In a startling reversal and a disgusting display of gall, retired Lieutenant Colonel Albert C. Lloyd Jr., who supported Bush by claiming that he had indeed shown up for duty, changed his position, but then added "singling out Bush for criticism is unfair. ''There were hundreds of guys like him who did the same thing," he said."

Unfair? Hundreds of guys like him aren't President of the US on the promise to restore honor and dignity to that office. Also, according to the article, it costs the taxpayer $1 million to train a fighter pilot. All of these people should have been held to a higher standard.

It's time for the military to start calling in some old debts, starting with W.

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