Thursday, September 30, 2004

Dick Cheney on Iraq

It appears that our current Veep made a number of prescient points about the invasion and occupation of Iraq in advance of the March 2003 invasion:
[T]he question in my mind is how many additional American casualties is Saddam worth? And the answer is not very damned many....

All of a sudden you've got a battle you're fighting in a major built-up city, a lot of civilians are around, significant limitations on our ability to use our most effective technologies and techniques....

Once we have rounded him up and gotten rid of his government, then the question is what do you put in its place?... [Y]ou then have accepted the responsibility for governing Iraq. Now what kind of government are you going to establish? Is it going to be a Kurdish government, or a Shi'ia government, or a Sunni government, or maybe a government based on the old Baathist Party, or some mixture thereof? You will have, I think by that time, lost the support of the Arab coalition... so crucial to our operations over there.

The catch (you knew there was going to be a catch)? All of this is from a speech Cheney delivered in August 1992. Here's the Seattle Post-Intelligencer story.

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