Friday, September 10, 2004

Just in case you thought there might be some reason politicians can't lie.....

Dick Cheney comes out again to say that Saddam Hussein provided safe harbor to al Qaeda.

This is a bald-faced lie, and everybody knows it. It's not even a cute little lie, as in, "Oh, look, he has courage in his convictions, even if he is a little misguided." It's a lie which cost us 1000 American US soldiers lives, thousands more in lost limbs and their lifelong health, $200B in national treasure, the support and friendship of some of our closest historical allies at a time when we would need them most.

Who goes fishing with this guy? "That's my bait and tackle." "Well, Dick, I'm pretty sure it's my bait and tackle, since I remember purchasing it, storing it in my garage this week, and bringing it with us to the boat." "My bait and tackle, gimme".

Dick Cheney shouldn't be anybody's friend, let alone Vice President.

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